Jesus used stories when he spoke to the people. In fact, he did not tell them anything without using stories.


The best stories come from the most profound struggles. They contain a journey, unexpected twists and turns, some near misses, and a bazillion details that only make the story that much better. That's how Jesus told about himself and his Father through stories he told.

It's how he works in our story.

The Gathering is such a story as well.

The story of The Gathering really goes back to the vision of a group called Restoration House Ministries, (RHM)  begun in the 1990’s. In 1996, a developing vision for sharing Jesus with the people of New England through the birth of new churches and the revitalization of existing churches came to life in Manchester, NH. After many years of accomplishing these goals, RHM's founder dreamt of reproducing what was in New Hampshire in - of all places - Springfield, Massachusetts! But circumstances changed, and Springfield was forced to wait.

In 2017, a new church plant from RHM launched in Merrimack, NH. Called Movement Christian Church (MVT), this church was launched with a vision that went far beyond their community. In fact, their desire was to help impact all of New England by raising up and supporting new church planters (starters). As such, they made it a top priority to start new church projects through their training of church planters.

In 2020, in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic, Movement Christian Church opened their arms to welcome a couple with the Springfield area on their hearts. Eighteen months earlier and two states away in New York, God placed a desire for the Springfield area on the hearts of a couple who had worked in churches for a long time. Through a series of amazing and also difficult circumstances Jason and Bonnie Ham ended up moving from everything they knew to partner with Restoration House Ministries and Movement Christian Church in a residency, where they could rest, heal, and focus on the goal of

establishing a disciple-making church into the Springfield area.

In 2021, Restoration House unexpectedly closed its doors, but God brought an unlikely partnership out of Portland, OR to New England to keep the hope of launching The Gathering intact. Through our new planting partner, Expand Northwest (led by Sean Thomé) The Gathering has joined the mission of encourging Church leaders, making disciples, and planting churches. In short, the partnership with Expand Northwest has turned out to be a perfect match.

In June, 2022, after having lived in the Springfield area for months, after having numerous conversations with people, and while continuing to learn the heart of the city, the Hams established a house church, which continues today.  Sixteen months later, in October, 2023, The Gathering held its first official Sunday services in addition to house church, launching at the LaQuinta Inn and Suites in downtown Springfield.  In June, 2024, The Gathering moved its Sunday gatherings to Pioneer Valley Christian Academy, where they continue to meet each Sunday.

Today, we continue to watch in wonder as God unfolds a story of welcoming people to the ways of Jesus, one life at a time.

People who are looking to give Jesus the chance he asks for, who are working through past hurts and hang-ups (even from other Christians), and people who are discovering a small, intimate community as a way to step closer to God are finding the hope, joy, peace, and freedom he offers.

And the best part of this whole story? We know it's still just beginning.

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