Jesus came to do what God the Father wanted, which was reaching people through relationship.
It's hard not to look at the life of Jesus and see that he did everything he did through the medium of relationship.
If the Church does this, it's incredible. People feel invited, welcomed, and part of something.
If it doesn't do this, it's disaster. People feel isolated and alone.
This is why relationship with people will stay in the center of all we do.
It's not about getting a bunch of people to show up to something on the weekend, and it never will be.
It's about living life beside you, encouraging YOU to engage with Jesus daily,
and be part of a community that's bigger than all of us.
The God of heaven and earth calls us to himself through a moment-by-moment, day-by-day invitation (Ps. 46.10, James 4.8, John 15.5). Following him is about so much more than just going to a building on a Sunday. At The Gathering, everything we do will push us towards living in the presence of God every day.
We pattern ourselves after the early Church, which met just as much in smaller gatherings as they did in larger ones (Acts 2.46, 5.42). Under the direction of house church pastors, these smaller, geographically-based gatherings (aka, "house churches") share each other's joys, trials, triumphs, and hang-ups, showing each other what it means to follow Jesus each day.
It's clear from the Scriptures that the larger gathering had critical importance as well. The Gathering will utilize weekly larger gatherings to read and learn about the Scriptures, to sing to God, to be silent before him, and to hear stories of how he's working and changing the lives of those around us. (Starting in Autumn, 2023.)
Jesus asked us to learn how to live:
"Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me - watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly" (Matt. 28:28-30, MSG).
Jesus wants first shot at everything we face. So, for that reason, we'll give him the first say in all we believe, think, and do.
Jesus boiled every commandment down to two ideas: love God and love others. As you look at his life, it's crystal clear that he loved others, because the first was already taken
care of.
Look closer, and you'll see that Jesus seemed to really enjoy people. He let them inconvenience him all the time... In the middle of the night. On his way to help out other people. Even while he was trying to catch a nap.
We're going to act like Jesus, and take pleasure in the people he died to save.
Every person who's given Jesus the legitimate chance to change them has seen transformation in their lives.
So often, though, people don't give Jesus the chance he deserves because his followers did something painful to them. We get that.
But we're not asking you to give a church a chance, because the church will let you down, every time. Instead, we're asking you to give Jesus the chance he's asked for, because a life changed by Jesus has the chance to change the world.
Something happens when we love on someone in an unexpected way. This is why what Jesus said to his listeners in Matthew 5:41 would have blown their minds... "If anyone forces you to go with them one mile, go with them two miles."
Think about it. When a Roman soldier demanded a Jewish citizen carry a load 1 mile, the request to carry that load a 2nd mile would have blown the soldier's mind. Surely the question would have been "Why?"
This is the opportunity to tell about Jesus. We look most like him when we lead a life of generosity and love radically on those around us.